Display the parasites of the organism to the house – the most effective methods

How to view the parasites to the house known in antiquity. Then managed without chemicals, pills, expensive medications. The infection of the organism is invisible to the man himself. Pick up the eggs of helminths can be anywhere – in the street, in a public place, in public. Vectors for helminth infection are animals, sick people. The eggs of helminths have on the lingerie, clothing, towels, wool of pets. In the environment are found in the feces.

The pain in the belly

Where are localized the parasites

In the body of the man can infest more than 250 species of helminths. The most often:

  • pinworm;
  • ascaris;
  • tsepen;
  • whipworm;
  • Trichinella;
  • tapeworm;
  • Echinococcus;
  • the flukes;
  • twisted-head of the duodenum;
  • Fasciola.

The infection of the organism occurs during a meal, or in the event of contact with the larvae in the human skin. A large part of the parasites is localized in the intestine. But before that, the larvae in different internal organs. To enter the body, the larvae quickly leave the egg, penetrate into the bloodstream. During the migration phase can be in the heart, the liver, biliary tract, uterus, bone marrow, vessels, finally, are found in the lung. From this body, are developing rapidly, damage to tissue and organs, the result of which form ears, the scars, the cyst. The symptoms of infection of helminth infections in this stage resemble the flu, pneumonia. Together, with the phlegm leaving the lungs, when ingested, is re-infection of the body. This time, the larvae again are found in the intestine. Continue their development to Mature the individual.

However, the life cycle of the worms of the earth always does not pass by such a scheme. The adult worms can still penetrate into the heart, liver, lungs, bone marrow, and other internal organs. Often, in the case of indices of helminth infection for a correct diagnosis can not. Then, how to remove the parasites, and if you can do it at home?


The method of purification of the body

Living fall into the masses, only some kinds of parasites. These include pinworms. The others appear already in the case of death. Explains this by the fact that most of the parasites have hooks suction cups, other accessories, with which strong cling to the guts. Pinworms freely crawl in the intestine, therefore, when the activity of peristalsis are extracts of the body as well as in faeces. Therefore, the purification of the body is aimed at the elimination of the parasites to the outside. How to do it? The worms must first die. However, all is not so simple.

The dead parasites dangerous living. They secrete a large amount of toxins. Is a poisoning of the body with a number of side effects. Often, after the purification of the body incapable of the use of popular recipes, the patient is found in the walls of the hospital room. It should take into account all the nuances of the purification of the body, comply with the recommendations.

Expedite the removal of parasites from the body of the man will help this method of purification, such as an enema. To this end, prepares a drink special. This purification method use of laxatives. Each stool comes out of a number of the living, the dead, earth worms.

An effective method of purification of the body – preparation process

The infection of the body is invisible. Little by little broken the activity of internal organs, the immune system weakens, occurs dysbiosis intestinal and other unpleasant conversion. One hit kill parasites, this increases the risk of a significant toxicity. And tangled in the sheets of large dimensions in the intestine causing a blockage. Before to get rid of house pests, it is necessary to prepare the body.

The method of the correction of the power supply. The power to exclude sweet dishes, pastries, sweets, coffee, fried, fatty foods. 3 days before the cleaning it is necessary to eat cereal, vegetable salads with vegetable oil, herbs, garlic. Drink a lot of liquid, is not less than 2 litres per day. Perhaps it is herbal tea, black, green, mineral water, flat water. The same diet must be present during the treatment. A good nutrition is to slightly reduce the load on the digestive organs, soothes the nervous system, to facilitate the process of defecation. In parallel, preparatory method, you need to take-absorbent, they reduce flatulence, relieve bloating, eliminate toxins. As adsorbent, you can take the normal activated carbon. For adults: 2 tablets twice a day. Children give 1 tablet.


The purification of the body, a curative enema

The method of the poor, but the efficiency of the purification of parasites high. The enema pass a special regime – every day, with a break. The best time before bed. The duration of treatment depends on the chosen solution for the cleaning of the organism against the parasites. It is important not to overdo it. The method of purification of the body using an enema parasites causes a side effect of constipation. After a course of treatment, be sure to concentrate all efforts on the restoration of the microflora of the intestine. Compliance with the diet shows for a few weeks after a day of treatment.

Recipes for enemas for parasites, the modes of use

  • Soda. Considered one of the most effective means for the purification of the body. View of parasites in the course of the week. As the main way to use the baking soda. For a procedure of washing, you need to 800 ml of water, 20 g of soda. In warm water dissolve the baking soda. There, you need to add 1 teaspoon of salt. Warm the composition a medicinal to a comfortable temperature – 42 degrees. In the intestine, it is recommended to resist the solution for about 30 minutes. Enema make it through the day. The treatment lasts 10 days. It is necessary to understand the soda parasites do not kill. Eliminates toxins from the body, the toxins that occur in the life processes of earthworms, and already dead. During the treatment it is necessary to follow their own feelings, the reaction of the body. If the pain occurs during defecation or between the procedure, it is necessary to stop the treatment.
  • The milk and the garlic. This method of purification of the body is considered as the most effective when the pinworm, ascaris. Garlic milk enema is soft. It does not irritate the lining and without the victim of the intestine. The garlic made the parasites leave the intestines naturally, and the milk helps. This method of purification of the body recommend for children, pregnant women. To view the parasites of the intestine, you must pass 3 of the procedure. Each day, in the evening. For cooking, you need to use the warm milk, the head of fresh garlic. The last crushed, pour in the milk. Wrap up the capacity of the towel, insist 7 minutes. For adults using 800 ml of milk at one time, a child over 5 years – 500 ml less than – 250 ml
  • The juice. For the preparation of the enema solution, you must use room temperature water, acid, lemon juice, cranberries, cranberries, sea buckthorn. In 1.5 l of water add 2 tablespoons of the juice, 1 salt. The latter reduces the swelling, which occurs as a result of an enema. Clean the body from parasites in this way 1 time. The procedure will follow frequent urination at the defecation, will leave the body of parasites. The last time their will be more.

It is very important to follow the treatment. If the body is sensitive to the procedure or the child is too small, use a different method of cleaning.

Nettle infusion

Laxatives to cleanse the body of parasites

Works in a similar way to the previous method of purification of the body. Laxatives stimulate peristalsis of the intestines, facilitate passage of the faecal masses.

  • Castor oil. You should take no more than 3 consecutive days. At the present time castor oil, you can buy in the pharmacy in capsules. More convenient to use this form. In the stock should be 2 to 6 hours of free time after taking the medicine. Easier to drink within 2 hours of the night. In the morning, the bowel runs on the specified schema. The body is preparing for purification. In addition, the night, the body calms down, the parasites are separated from the wall, falling into fecal during defecation. In half an hour for an adult, you should take 30 g of castor oil. The child receives a 5-10. Wash in acidified water, yogurt, yogurt. You can all drink straight away. Especially if the time of reception of the night. Instead of castor oil, you can drink all vegetable – sunflower, olive, oblepihovoe, flax seeds. The dose of 1 time – 30 ml
  • The carrot juice. Use of juice. It is very important — prepare just prior to use. 1 more time it is necessary to drink at least 200 glasses of juice.
  • The kefir. Natural laxative for the cleaning, which is also a positive effect on the state of the intestine. For the day, you can drink about 1 liter For the laxative effect, just 2 glasses.
  • The fennel. Fennel seeds are considered one of the most effective ingredients in the fight against pests. For the cleaning of the body, you must take the medicine to a specific regime. In the morning, on an empty stomach to eat 1 tablespoon of seeds. Wash 2 cups of water. The children for the cleaning it is necessary to grind into powder or give a teaspoon of dill. In the evening, you should drink 15 ml of magnesia. The procedure to move 3 times. In the week 1 times. 14 days, it is necessary to take fennel without magnesia every four days.
  • Nettle infusion. 2 tablespoons of nettles, pour 400 ml of boiling water. Cover with lid, require day. Take for cleaning during the day.
  • The flax seed. Pour 2 tablespoons of seeds in a glass of water. Left a night. In the morning, drinking on an empty stomach with the seeds.
  • The salad. Beets mixed with carrots, prunes. Season with vegetable oil, salt. To eat, you must in the morning.
  • The apple juice. You must use sweet-sour apples, of the best green varieties. For once, it is necessary to drink at least 200 ml, Prepared just before consumption.

Folk laxatives do not cause habituation of the body, have no side effects, which is very important. You only need to take into account the individual characteristics of the organism in order to avoid an allergic reaction.

How to rid the body of parasites

As the healing components act herbs, seeds, vegetables, fruits. Each tool for the purification prepare on order, take a certain scheme. How to choose the individual solution. They all have a rapid effect, a positive result. At home against the parasites you can get rid of a few days respecting all the rules of anti-worm therapy.

  • The pumpkin seeds. The richness of its composition seeds have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system, improves immunity. Quickly recovers the body after an operation of parasites. In addition, its composition comprises a component which on the helminth acts as a poison. The drug can give to a child, happy to benefit from the treatment the most. Is not against the application of this method of purification of the organism against parasites that are pregnant. The seeds take yourself or involve in the composition of the other medicines. The simplest way of cleansing eat the morning on an empty stomach a handful of sunflower seeds, shelled. As a laxative after 30 minutes take the juice of carrot.
  • Nuts. Shelled nuts crushed. Pour 4 tablespoons of received composition cup of boiling water. On a small fire to survive up to a boil. To insist 30 minutes. Drink for the cleaning during the day in small portions.
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • The triad. The famous efficient method of purification of the body. At home, you can get a huge result. In the compound of 50 grams of cloves, 100 g of tansy, 30 g of wormwood. The secret of the success of the mixture in the action of each of them. Whole plants can be used to cleanse the body of parasites, normalize its work. Tansy destroys adult insects, wormwood and cloves is taken with larvae in different stages of development, the eggs of the parasites. Take the drug, you must in a specific model. All of the components of the transform into powder. On the first day of the take for the cleansing to an empty stomach 1 teaspoon. Wash with plain water. Then, you can remove the bitterness of the honey, jam, fruit juice. 2,3 day drink at the same dose two times per day. In the following three times. The rate of treatment is approximately one month. In a first step, the body of the parasites to be cleaned, and the toxins, restored. The duration of the purification depends on the severity of the helminth infection.
  • Garlic. Remove parasites, this ingredient may take a variety of forms, methods. A number of them. Crushed garlic, put the heel, secure the glue. Walk around with him all day. The active ingredients of the garlic penetrate through the skin, are transported by the blood throughout the body. A very effective method during the helminth infections at its initial stage. When the larvae are still in the vessels. The garlic cooked in the oven, put the night in the navel. In the evening, pour a few teeth of garlic in a cup of boiling water. In the morning, drinking on an empty stomach.
  • The cognac. Must purchase a beverage of quality, with shades of alcohol for cleaning is not suitable. The processing is carried out in the night. At this time, most of the parasites freely crawl onto the intestine. About 2 hours of the night, you should drink a cup of green tea. At the end of 5 minutes – 100 g of cognac. This drink is made from the bark of the oak blunts the vigilance of the parasites. After 15 minutes, it is necessary to take 50 g of castor oil. Prior to that, it is heated to the temperature of the body. At the onset of nausea, you can drink water with lemon juice or hold a slice in the mouth. After 10 minutes, you can go further to sleep. The organism against the parasites will be cleaned in the morning. The course of treatment is 3 consecutive days.

The body against parasites should be cleaned twice a year. Methods, ways, recipes of purification are chosen at the discretion of the individual characteristics of the organism. It is very important. Each of them is recognized as the best for many years.